September 2021 - August 2022

Mitt Liv's Impact Report 2022

Here you can download our entire impact report for our latest financial year. Below you may also find a light summary and a selection of our results.

Mentoring a powerful tool in diversity and inclusion efforts

For us it is important that everything we do contributes to our vision of an inclusive society and a labour market that values diversity, which is why we perform annual impact measurements to assess our impact within the mentor program and our partner network.

This year's report demonstrates significant results of the organisation's work and highlights the effects of mentoring and long-term partnerships as key success factors for an inclusive labour market.

Increase in mentees securing jobs or internships

The effects for the mentees in our mentor program "Mitt Livs Chans" show that 51% have obtained a job or internship during or after the program, a significant increase from the previous year's 44%. Unemployment for this group also displayed a positive trend in 2022, decreasing from 9% in 2021 to 7.1%, according to Statistics Sweden (SCB).

A large majority of mentees (82%) have also gained one or more new contacts in their professional network. Simultaneously, those who did not secure a job or internship highlighted the lack of contacts and network in Sweden as the biggest obstacle to entering the labour market (61%).

Mentors contribute to diversity and inclusion efforts in their organisations

The measurements also demonstrate significant effects for Mitt Liv's partner organisations, whose employees have engaged as mentors in the program. For instance, 83% state that the mentors have become internal ambassadors for diversity and inclusion matters. Additionally, 100% indicate that the mentors have set a good example by acting inclusively in the workplace, while 79% state that they have contributed energy and motivation to the work on diversity and inclusion.

Nine out of ten mentors also report that they have developed their leadership and coaching skills, and 82% have gained ideas on how their organisation can act more inclusively in the workplace.

"These effects confirm that our mentor program model is a powerful tool, not only for the mentees and the labour market but also for our partner organisations. The mentors become catalysts for change within their organizations, challenging the company culture and existing structures, and driving diversity and inclusion efforts forward," says Lenka Prokopec Karlberg, CEO of Mitt Liv.

Further effects for Mitt Liv's partner organisations show that 95% have undertaken activities to increase diversity during the collaboration, with 89% attributing Mitt Liv's contributions to these efforts. 84% perceive an increase in diversity within their operations during the collaboration, and 88% indicate an increased level of inclusion.

"We live in a time when the demands for companies to work socially sustainably are increasing, from investors, employees, and customers alike. The figures confirm that long-term partnerships and systematic work on diversity and inclusion truly make a difference," says Lenka Prokopec Karlberg.

Impact for partners

The respondents represent contact persons at our partner organisations who are key contacts in the collaboration with Mitt Liv. 22 out of 39 people (56%) completed the digital questionnaire that was sent out by email at the end of the financial year.


have implemented activities to increase their diversity during the partnership and state that Mitt Liv has contributed to these.


state that the organisation's level of diversity has improved during the partnership.


have implemented activities to increase their level of inclusion during the partnership and state that Mitt Liv has contributed to these.


state that their organisation's level of inclusion has increased during the partnership.


have implemented activities for a more inclusive recruitment process during the partnership and state that Mitt Liv has contributed to these.


have implemented activities for a more inclusive leadership during the partnership and state that Mitt Liv has contributed to these.

Outcome of employees' engagement as mentors in Mitt Livs Chans:

report that the mentors have become internal ambassadors on issues concerning diversity and inclusion

report that the mentors have set a good example in acting inclusively in the workplace

96% would recommend Mitt Liv as a collaboration partner to other organisations.

Our collaboration partners

Impacts for the mentees in Mitt Livs Chans

The respondents represent mentees, individuals with a foreign background and post-secondary education, who took part in our mentor program during the period 1 September 2021–31 August 2022. 464 out of 844 mentees (55%) responded to our follow-up questionnaire 5
months after completing the program. 

got a job or intership during or after the program.

of these consider that the job/internship matches their qualifications.


gained new insights into how to reach their career goals in Sweden.


gained new insights into how to prepare for a job interview.


state that they got help to structure their application documents (CV and personal letter) in a more convincing way.


made valuable new contacts to add to their professional network.

96% of the mentees would recommend a friend to participate in Mitt Livs Chans.

Impacts for the mentors in Mitt Livs Chans

The respondents represent mentors who took part in our mentoring programmes during the period 1 September 2021–31 August 2022. 271 out of 683 mentors (40%) completed the digital evaluation survey that was sent out by email at the end of programmes.

gained increased insights into what characterises an inclusive workplace

gained ideas on how their organisation can increase diversity in the workplace.

gained ideas on how their organisation could act more inclusively in the workplace.

improved their capacity to lead and coach.

98% of the mentors would recommend a friend to participate in Mitt Livs Chans.

Our vision

Since Mitt Liv was first established, we have continued to work on the basis of the same vision, namely the creation of an inclusive society and a labour market that values diversity.

To achieve our vision we currently primarily work with two groups – employers who are in need of knowledge, strategies and concrete tools for successful D&I (diversity and inclusion) activities, and academics with a foreign background who don’t have a job in Sweden that matches their qualifications and competence. Our work method enables us to develop tools and create change together with engaged employers and workers. In this way we see possibilities to create a labour market that values diversity and thus promotes a more competitive Sweden.

Contact Us

Do you have a question, or would you like more information? Please feel free to contact us via the form below, or else contact a member of our team.

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