Mitt Liv Consulting Services

Mentorship in Mitt Livs Chans

We offer organisations an opportunity, through our mentoring program, to allow their employees to become mentors to an academic with a foreign background. Not only is this a concrete undertaking that contributes to the creation of a more open labour market, it is also a sound investment in the professional development of your employees!

Mentorship – a tool for competence development

At present in Sweden, around 21% of foreign-born individuals with post-secondary education are either unemployed or in a job that doesn’t match their qualifications – the corresponding figure for Swedish-born individuals with a similar level of education is only 10%.

Mitt Livs Chans is Sweden’s largest mentoring program for academics with a foreign background who don’t have a job that matches their qualifications. Our mentoring program provides companies and organisations with an opportunity to allow their employees to become mentors and support a mentee who needs help in navigating the Swedish labour market.

Through this mentorship, your organisation contributes to the creation of a more open labour market via a concrete undertaking, although the time involved also represents a sound investment in the professional and personal development of your employees.

Mentorship contributes to (among other things):

  • Increased insight into diversity and inclusion issues in the labour market

  • Increased awareness of our own prejudices and exclusionary behaviour, and a better understanding of other cultures

  • A more highly developed ability to lead and coach others

Structure of the program

Mitt Livs Chans offers two programs per year – one during the autumn and one during the spring. Each program lasts for 4 months, and participation entails a commitment of around 3 hours per month (12 hours in total). Since you can participate digitally (for part or all of the program), you can take part regardless of where you live in Sweden.

During the program the mentor is expected to meet with the mentee on at least four occasions (they are responsible for booking these meetings themselves). We primarily match mentees and mentors on the basis of educational background, industry/sector and experience. Mentors also take part in the program’s joint meetings, where they have the opportunity to meet other mentees and mentors for networking purposes, and where they can further contribute their knowledge and experience of the Swedish labour market.

Impact on our mentees

make new contacts to their professional network.​

find a job or trainee position after the program.

gain new insights into how to prepare for a job interview.

gain new insights into how to reach their career goals in Sweden.


What do you mean when you talk about “diversity”?

Diversity is a term that refers to the amount of significant differences and non-normative perspectives that exist in a group or organisation. One possible approach is to base an assessment of diversity on the seven grounds of discrimination (gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age) as well as other factors such as experience, educational background and language skills, although diversity is really much more than this – in principle, diversity relates to everything that constitutes a significant difference and makes a person unique in relation to his or her surroundings.

What do you mean when you talk about “inclusion”?

Inclusion is a term that refers to the active actions that individuals encounter at their workplace every day – behaviours, personal treatment, group norms, leadership styles and structures – which determine the extent to which individuals can be themselves while also feeling that they belong to the team or group. At an inclusive workplace, individuals are treated as part of the fellowship of the group while also being valued for their uniqueness.

What is the difference between diversity and inclusion?

We usually say that diversity has to do with the strategic work undertaken by an organisation to ensure that there is a mix of significant differences – and thus different perspectives – represented in the organisation. Inclusion relates to the behaviour we practice each day at our workplace, and how we interact with each other. Research shows that the existence of both diversity and inclusion in an organisation can contribute to a greater level of innovation, creativity and well-being, which in turn contributes to higher profitability and greater business value.

Does Mitt Liv work with different types of diversity, for example gender equality?

We work with aspects of all 7 grounds of discrimination, and gender equality is one of these aspects. We have a broad and holistic view of the term diversity, which means that we work with diversity from a broad perspective (please take a look at how we define diversity in the question above). Naturally we provide support to your organisation based on the aspects we identify together as areas where there is a need for more focus.

Do we have to be a Mitt Liv partner to be able to use your services?

No, you don’t. However, we recommend a partnership as the optimal form of collaboration when the services stretch over an extended period (12 months or more), as a partnership provides a structure that enables us to ensure a proactive and long-term work process. But if a partnership doesn’t feel like the right form of collaboration for your activity then of course you are welcome to use our services without actually becoming a Mitt Liv partner.

Are your methods scientifically based?

Yes, to the extent that research exists within a certain area or subject, we use and refer to such research in our activities, and we constantly keep up to date on the latest developments. Our courses refer to credible studies and meta-analyses in many respects. Mitt Liv also has an active and close collaboration with researchers throughout Sweden, and this has aided us in many respects, including during the development of our impact measurement tools and the content of our mentoring program, as well as in various consulting projects.

Do you offer courses and lectures digitally?

Yes, of course! Mitt Liv has worked on providing a number of our services digitally since 2007. This experience and knowledge means that our current digital solutions are flexible, user-friendly and interactive. Please feel free to contact us – our staff will be delighted to tell you more!

In which languages can you provide your services?

Our consulting services and our mentoring program are available in Swedish and English. We can also offer translations to other languages for a number of our tools, such as our self-directed courses and our D&I game.

Can we purchase individual lectures?

Yes, you can. Please feel free to contact us – our staff will be delighted to tell you more!


Do you have questions, or would you like more information? Please feel free to contact us!

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